Japan Prize Laureates

Laureates of the Japan Prize

Dr. Benoit B. Mandelbrot

Dr. Benoit B. Mandelbrot

  • Nationality:
  • Date of Birth:
    20 November 1924

Outline of Achievements

Outline of Achievements

The 2003 Japan Prize

Major Awards, Prizes, and Medals Received

1985 Barnard Medal for Meritorious Service to Science “Magna est Veritas:”
1986 Franklin Medal for Signal and Eminent Service in Science
1988 Charles Proteus Steinmetz Medal
1988 Alumni Distinguished Service Award for Outstanding Achievement; Caltech
1988 Senior Award (Humboldt Preis)
1988 “Science for Art” Prize
1989 Harvey Prize for Science and Technology
1991 Nevada Prize
1993 Wolf Foundation Prize for Physics
1994 Honda Prize
1996 Medaille de Vermeil: de la ville de Paris
1999 John Scott Award
1999 Lewis Fry Richardson Medal
2002 William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement: Sigma Xi


Foreign Associate, then Member, USA National Academy of Sciences
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Foreign Member, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

Memberships in Scientific Societies

Member (honorary), Societe Physique de France.
Fellow, American Physical Society.
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Member, American Mathematical Society.

Academic Degrees

1947 Ingenieur diplome, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
1948 California Institute of Technology, Master of Science
1949 California Institute of Technology, Professional Engineer in Aeronautics,
1952 Faculte des Sciences de Paris, Docteur d’Etat es Sciences Mathematiques

Professional Career

1949-57 Staff member (Attache, then Charge, then Maitre de Recherches),
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
1957-58 Maitre de Conferences de Mathematiques Appliquees, Universite, Lille, France
Maitre de Conferences d’Analyse Mathematique, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
1958-74 Research Staff Member,
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights NY.
1974-93 IBM Fellow, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
1987-99 Abraham Robinson Adjunct Professor of Mathematical Sciences,
Yale University, New Haven, CT.
1993-present IBM Fellow Emeritus, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
1999-present Sterling Professor of Mathematical Sciences,
Mathematics Department: Yale University


  • Sterling Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Mathematics Department, Yale University IBM Fellow Emeritus, TJ Watson Research Center, International Business Machines Corporation

Major Books and Papers

  • B.B.Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, W.H.Freeman and Company (NewYork),1982.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, Fractals and Scaling in Finance: Discontinuity, Concentration, Risk, New York: Springer, 1997.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, Multifractals and 1/f Noise : Wild Self-Affinity in Physics, New York: Springer, 1999.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, Gaussian Self-Affinity & Fractals: Globality, the Earth, 1/f, & R/S, New York: Springer, 2002.
  • M. L. Frame & B.B.Mandelbrot, Fractals, Graphics and Mathematical Education, Washington DC: Mathematical Association of America & Cambridge UK: The University Press, 2002.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, The variation of certain speculative prices. The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago: 36, 394-419. 1963.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, Random walks, fire damage amount, and other Paretian riskphenomena, Operations Research 12, 582-585, 1964.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, How long is the coast of Britain? Statistical self-similarity and fractional dimension, Science 155, 636-638, 1967.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, Some noises with 1/f spectrum, a bridge between direct current and white noise, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 13, 289-298, 1967.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, A population birth and mutation process, I: Explicit distribution for the number of mutants in an old culture of bacteria, Journal of Applied Probability 11, 437-444, 1974.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, Intermittent turbulence in self-similar cascades; divergence of high moments and dimension of carrier, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 62, 331-358, 1974.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, Stochastic models for the Earth’s relief, the shape and the fractal dimension of the coastlines, and the number-area rule of islands, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 72, 3825-3828, 1975.
  • B.B.Mandelbrot, Fractal aspects of the iteration of z →λ z (1-z) for complex λ and z, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 357, 249-259, 1980.
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