Nominations and Selection Process
- Every November, the Fields Selection Committee of The Japan Prize Foundation designates and announces the two fields in which the Japan Prize will be awarded two years hence. At the same time, the Foundation invites 15,500 prominent scientists and researchers around the world to nominate candidates online through the Japan Prize Nomination System. The deadline for nominations is the end of January following the announcement of fields.
- For each field, a Selection Subcommittee conducts a rigorous evaluation of the candidates’ academic achievements. The conclusions are then forwarded to the Selection Committee, which conducts evaluations of candidates’ achievements from a wider perspective, considering how the research contributes to the progress of science and technology, and how significant is its impact on advancing the causes of world peace and prosperity. ,Once this review is complete, the committee then selects the candidates it will recommend for the Prize, and forwards its recommendations to the Board of Directors which makes the final decision.
- After the fields for a specific year are announced, it takes almost one year to complete the nomination and selection process.
- The Japan Prize winners are announced every January, and the Presentation Ceremony is held in mid-April in Tokyo.
Japan Prize Official Nominators
The Foundation selects Japan Prize Official Nominators from scientists around the world belonging to any of the following groups.
- Members and associated members of academies or scientific societies
- Representatives of scientific societies or scientists holding equivalent status
- Presidents, deans, professors, or associate professors of leading universities
- Presidents of leading scientific and technological organizations and research institutes, or scientists holding equivalent status
- Scientists who have been awarded the Japan Prize or any other internationally recognized prize
- Other leading authorities or experts who the Foundation considers suitable to nominate candidates