Laureates of the Japan Prize
2008 Japan Prize受賞者
- 授賞対象分野:
- 授賞業績:
- 記念講演:
1991 |
ACM Software System Award (with Dr. Kahn) |
1996 |
1996 |
C&C Award |
1997 |
U.S. National Medal of Technology (with Dr. Kahn) |
1998 |
Marconi Award |
2001 |
Charles Stark Draper Prize (with Dr. Kahn, L. Roberts, L. Kleinrock) |
2002 |
Prince of Asturias Award (with Dr. Kahn, L. Kleinrock, L. Roberts, T. Berners-Lee) |
2004 |
Turing Award (with Dr. Kahn) |
2005 |
The Presidential Medal of Freedom (with Dr. Kahn) |
2006 |
National Inventors Hall of Fame |
Fellow, IEEE |
Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) |
Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences(AAAS) |
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS) |
Fellow, National Academy of Engineering (NAE) |
1965年 |
米国・スタンフォード大学 学士<数学> |
1970年 |
米国・カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校 修士<計算機科学> |
1972年 |
カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校 博士<計算機科学> |
1965年 |
IBM社(~1967年) |
1972年 |
スタンフォード大学助教授(~1976年) |
1976年 |
防衛高等研究計画局 (DARPA: U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) (~1982年) |
1982年 |
MCI社 副社長(~1986年) |
1986年 |
コーポレーション・フォ-・ナショナル・リサーチ・イニシアチブ(CNRI) 副社長(~1994年) |
1994年 |
MCI 上級副社長(~2005年) |
2005年 |
グーグル社副社長兼チーフ・インターネット・エバンジェリスト(現在に至る) |
- グーグル社副社長兼チーフ・インターネット・エバンジェリスト
- C.S. Carr, S.D. Crocker, V.G. Cerf, HOST-HOST Communication Protocol in the ARPA Network, AFIPS Conference Proceedings, 1970 Spring Joint Computer Conference, vol. 36, pp. 589-597, May 1970.
- V. G. Cerf, Multiprocessing, Semaphores and a Graph Model of Computation, Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science Department. University of California, Los Angeles, March 1972.
- V. G. Cerf and R. E. Kahn, "A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication," IEEE Transactions on Communication, Vol. COM-22, No. 5, May 1974, pp. 637-648. Reprinted in Computer Networking, edited by Blanc and Cotton, IEEE Press, 1976, pp. 95-106.
- V. G. Cerf, D. D. Cowan, R. C. Mullin, and R. G. Stanton, "A Lower Bound on Average Path Length in Regular Graphs," Networks, Vol. 4, 1974, pp. 335-342.
- V. G. Cerf and P. T. Kirstein, "Issues in Packet Network Interconnection," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 66, No. 11, November1978, pp. 1386-1408.
- V. G. Cerf, "Packet Communication Technology," Protocols and Techniques for Data Communication Networks, (F. F. Kuo, ed.), Prentice Hall, New York, 1980.
- V. G. Cerf, "Networks," Scientific American, Vol 265, No 3, September 1991, p. 72.
- V. G. Cerf (Ed.), National Collaboratories: Applying Information Technologies for Scientific Research, National Academy of Sciences, Computer Science Technology Board, 1993.
- V. G. Cerf, "When They're Everywhere," Beyond Calculation, Copernicus, Springer Verlag, 1997.
- Michael Pelcovits and Vinton G Cerf, "Economics of the Internet," Emerging Telecommunications Networks, The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, Volume II, (Gary Madden, ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2003, p. 27-54.
- Scott Burleigh, Vinton Cerf, Robert Durst, Kevin Fall, Adrian Hooke, Keith Scott, Howard Weiss, "The Interplanetary Internet: A Communications Infrastructure for Mars Exploration" American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Published by Elsevier Science Ltd., 2003.
- V.G. Cerf, "Internet and the System of Justice", Washington Law Review, Vol. 79, No, 1,February, 2004, p. 25-30.