Laureates of the Japan Prize
2012 Japan Prize受賞者
- 授賞対象分野:
- 授賞業績:
- 記念講演:
2001 |
Warren Alpert Foundation Prize |
2002 |
Twenty First Annual AACR-Bruce F. Cain Memorial Award |
2002 |
Charles F. Kettering Prize, General Motors Cancer Research Foundation |
2009 |
The Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award, with Druker and Sawyers |
2011 |
Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, The University of Dundee, Scotland |
1978年 |
英国リーズ大学で理学士号取得(生化学、動物学専攻) |
1982年 |
ダンディー大学(スコットランド)で博士号を取得(生化学専攻) |
1982-1985年 |
シェリングプラウ社研究員(リヨン及びパリ) |
1985-1997年 |
チバガイギー社(現ノバルティス)タンパク質チロシンキナーゼ 阻害剤研究チームリーダー(スイス バーゼル) |
1997-2000年 |
キネティクス・ファーマシューティカルズ社をボストンに設立 CEO兼社長に就任 |
2000-2002年 |
アムジェン社創薬・研究情報科学担当バイスプレジデント |
2006年 |
アナプティスバイオ社(カリフォルニア州サンディエゴ)を共同で設立、治療顧問兼取締役に就任し、現在に至る |
2011年 |
ブループリントメディスン社(マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジ)を共同で設立、科学諮問委員会委員長兼取締役に就任し、現在に至る |
- Druker,D., Talpaz,M., Resta, R.N., Peng, B., Buchdunger, E., Ford, J., Lydon, N.B., Kantarjian, H., Capdeville, R., Jones-Ohno, Sand Sawyers, C.L. Clinical Efficacy and Safety of an Abl Specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor as a targeted therapy for chronic myeloid leukaemia. N. Engl J. Med. 2001, 344, 1031-1037.
- Elisabeth Buchdunger, Catherine L. Cioffi, Norman Law, David Stover, Sayuri Ohno-Jones, Brian J. Druker and Nicholas B. Lydon. The Abl protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, STI571, inhibits in vitro signal transduction mediated by c-Kit and PDGF receptors. J.Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2000, Oct; 95(1):139-45
- Beran M, Cao X, Estrov Z, Jeha S, Jin G, O'Brien S, Talpaz M, Arlinghaus RB, Lydon NB, Kantarjian H. Selective inhibition of cell proliferation and BCR-ABL phosphorylation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells expressing Mr 190,000 BCR-ABL protein by a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (CGP-57148). Clin Cancer Res 1998 Jul;4(7):1661-72
- Gambacorti-Passerini C, le Coutre P, Mologni L, Fanelli M, Bertazzoli C, Marchesi E, Di Nicola M, Biondi A, Corneo GM, Belotti D, Pogliani E, Lydon NB. Inhibition of the ABL kinase activity blocks the proliferation of BCR/ABL+ leukemic cells and induces apoptosis. Blood Cells Mol Dis 1997 Dec;23(3):380-94.
- Carroll M, Ohno-Jones S, Tamura S, Buchdunger E, Zimmermann J, Lydon NB, Gilliland DG, Druker BJ. CGP 57148, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, inhibits the growth of cells expressing BCR-ABL, TEL-ABL, and TEL-PDGFR fusion proteins. Blood 1997 Dec 15;90(12):4947-52
- Traxler P, Bold G, Frei J, Lang M, Lydon N, Mett H, Buchdunger E, Meyer T, Mueller M, Furet P. Use of a pharmacophore model for the design of EGF-R tyrosine kinase inhibitors: 4-(phenylamino)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidines. J Med Chem 1997 Oct 24;40(22):3601-16.
- Deininger MW, Goldman JM, Lydon N, Melo JV. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor CGP57148B selectively inhibits the growth of BCR-ABL-positive cells. Blood 1997 Nov 1;90(9):3691-8.
- Zimmermann J, Buchdunger, E., Mett H, Meyer T, Lydon NB. Potent and selective inhibitors of the Abl-kinase: phenylamino-pyrimidine (PAP) derivatives. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 1997; 187-192
- Zimmermann, J., Buchdunger, E., Mett H., Meyer, Th., Lydon, N.B., Traxler, P. Phenylamio-pyrimidine derivatives: a new class of potent and selective PDGF-receptor kinase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 1996; 6:1221-1226.
- Traxler PM, Furet P, Mett H, Buchdunger E, Meyer T, Lydon N. 4-(Phenylamino)pyrrolopyrimidines: potent and selective, ATP site directed inhibitors of the EGF-receptor protein tyrosine kinase. J Med Chem 1996 Jun 7;39(12):2285-92.
- Stover DR, Furet P, Lydon NB. Modulation of the SH2 binding specificity and kinase activity of Src by tyrosine phosphorylation within its SH2 domain. J Biol Chem 1996 May 24;271(21):12481-7.
- Druker BJ, Tamura S, Buchdunger E, Ohno S, Segal GM, Fanning S, Zimmermann J, Lydon NB. Effects of a selective inhibitor of the Abl tyrosine kinase on the growth of Bcr-Abl positive cells. Nature Med. 1996 May;2(5):561-6
- Buchdunger E, Zimmermann J, Mett H, Meyer T, Muller M, Druker BJ, Lydon NB. Inhibition of the Abl protein-tyrosine kinase in vitro and in vivo by a 2-phenylaminopyrimidine derivative. Cancer Res 1996 Jan 1;56,100-4.
- Trinks U, Buchdunger E, Furet P, Kump W, Mett H, Meyer T, Muller M, Regenass U, Rihs G, Lydon N . Dianilinophthalimides: potent and selective, ATP-competitive inhibitors of the EGF-receptor protein tyrosine kinase. J Med Chem 1994 Apr 1;37(7):1015-27
- Lydon NB, Gay B, Mett H, Murray B, Liebetanz J, Gutzwiller A, Piwnica-Worms H, Roberts TM, McGlynn E. Purification and biochemical characterization of non-myristoylated recombinant pp60c-src kinase. Biochem J 1992 Nov 1;287:985-93
- Geissler JF, Roesel JL, Meyer T, Trinks UP, Traxler P, Lydon NB. Benzopyranones and benzothiopyranones: a class of tyrosine protein kinase inhibitors with selectivity for the v-abl kinase. Cancer Res 1992 Aug 15;52(16):4492-8.
- McGlynn E, Becker M, Mett H, Reutener S, Cozens R, Lydon NB. Large-scale purification and characterisation of a recombinant epidermal growth-factor receptor protein-tyrosine kinase. Modulation of activity by multiple factors. Eur J Biochem 1992 Jul 1;207(1):265-75.
- Farley K, Mett H, McGlynn E, Murray B, Lydon NB. Development of solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the determination of epidermal growth factor receptor and pp60c-src tyrosine protein kinase activity. Anal Biochem 1992 May 15;203(1):151-7
- Traxler PM, Wacker O, Bach HL, Geissler JF, Kump W, Meyer T, Regenass U, Roesel JL, Lydon N. Sulfonylbenzoyl-nitrostyrenes: potential bisubstrate type inhibitors of the EGF-receptor tyrosine protein kinase. J Med Chem 1991 Aug;34(8):2328-37
- Lydon NB, Adams B, Poschet JF, Gutzwiller A, Matter A. An E. coli expression system for the rapid purification and characterization of a v-abl tyrosine protein kinase. Oncogene Res 1990;5(3):161-73.